Thursday, October 28, 2010

Citizen journalism's a bitch.

Abstemiousness is now the minority of today's hyper-masculine shallow world of sex, drugs, n Rock & Roll. (not that any of those things shouldn't be condoned.) For those who aren't prone to words exceeding 10 letters, "abstemiousness" refers to the sparing use of... well anything really. If the lack of abstemiousness is not so immediate to you, ask yourself, why you would need 20% more of something when you shop at a super market? If you can happily rebuttle "value for money", then this so called "value" should be default, and not as an additional extra.

If you're still reading, then this level of critical analysis will be used on one of my favourite entertainment mediums; film. It's become an annual stress for myself to watch a flurry of trailers for upcoming films, conveniently placed in holiday periods, laden in CGI (Computer-generated Imagery) or films generously covered in famed actors and actresses alike in order to pull in the obsessive audiences, only to have their expectations shattered (or met if you're really that obsessed) when they realise the film is about as cohesive as a French riot, and was clearly writen by a buttless monkey smoking a cigar. With that in mind actually it befalls on me that the current method of reviewing a film for its face value is insufficient. The context of the setting, and for the cast, their actual ability to understand the depth of their own characters and those around them is a necessity to understand why films that are bad enough to kick start a new recession are let through.

In summary (or in better words, for those who did not enjoy the first two paragraphs of harsh similes) beyond the film itself, I'll be reviewing the context of the subject, both in and out of the film with a critical angle with little punctuation. The upcoming review will be a film that was written with the thinking pattern: "hmm, does any one actually do this in real life? Of course not! Who would've thought of that! I'm a genius, and I'm going to make this into a script!" haven't figured it out yet? it's a movie called "Hitch".


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